
The Psalm 113.64

Written by Zond Schien Bouch
Translator Notes: Zond Schien Bouch is an Isrealian German Poet (1849.1.10-1889.9.6)
deeply influenced by German romanticism and German philosopher Scheling. He spent
his poetic life fully to glorify the greatness of the pre-historical Isreal State.
TRANSLATED BY Fei Qing (a Chinese patriotic poet who claims to understand
Zond Schien Bouch)

Alas, the great King Solomen!
King of King.

With your rule by verdicts,
We become your subjects
measured by
and Indexes.

Ah, the Devil’s Triangle –
allegiance, faith, and wisdom,
so peacefully solved by your
Force and Order of Law

We, the fools, chanting your
Revelation imparted from the unknown
knowable Land, to
recapture the life of prosperity
we originally deserve.

Oh, the great King Solomen!
We give all we can give,
wheats, kids, and minds,
chanting your invincible
Words. So that
our nation strengthend, bodies built,
souls and eyes fully equipped
for traitors inside.

May Jevoah and Solomen protect us
from invasion of Eygptians, Assyrians, and
all of all, Romans.
Alas, the great King Solomen!
Jew of Jews!
Sage of Sages!
King of King!